Documents and Law
The following pages in "Documents and Law" are already available in English:
Administrative criminal law
Administrative penal law
Changing assigned sex
Civil Law
Consumer protection
- Cross-border consumer contracts in the EU
- Guarantee and consumer protection
- Warranty and consumer protection
Criminal Law
Criminal Record
Driving licence
- After the practical driving test
- Drinking and driving
- Driving licence authorities in Austria
- Driving licence categories
- Driving test
- Emergency life-saving training/first aid course
- EU photocard driving licence – general information
- EU photocard driving licence – how to apply
- Foreign driving licences – conversion
- General information about driving lessons
- General information about getting a driving licence
- L17 – B-driving licence at the age of 17
- Medical certificate
- Minimum age for obtaining a driving licence
- Minimum number of training sessions for the individual categories
- Motorcycle licence – categories A1, A2, A
- Multiphase training (categories A and B)
- On-road practice ('L') – training for all licence categories except A
- Probationary licences
- System for Recording Driving Offences - (Demerit Point System)
Electronic identity (eID)
Equal treatment
- Claims in the event of discrimination under the Equal Treatment Act
- General information on equal treatment in the working world
- General information on equal treatment in the public service
- General information on equal treatment in the private sector
- Legal proceedings
- Proceedings before the Federal Equal Treatment Commission
- Proceedings before the Equal Treatment Commission
- Anti-discrimination agencies
- Ombud for Equal Treatment
- Equal Treatment Officer
- Equal Treatment Commissions
Inherit and bequeath
Registration/de-registration of residence
- Change of status – main residence is to become a 'secondary residence' or vice‑versa
- Confirmation of registration
- De-registration of an existing main residence or 'secondary residence'
- Main residence/other place of residence ('secondary residence')
- Registration of a new main residence or 'secondary residence'
Registration disclosure
Letzte Aktualisierung: 4. Dezember 2023
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Bundesministerium für Finanzen